Can anyone please tell me...
Recent excellent adventures on the computer have brought forth the following two questions:
1) I just got a new computer (thanks, dad!) It is sleek and sexy (17-inch flat screen) and black, and fast, and I love it. (It is, though, rather unfortunately called a Tsunami. Oh well.) Among the beast's many virtues is Microsoft Word 2003, which is really quite fabulous, except for this: it does not come with my favourite font, which is Book Antiqua. It does, however, come with no less than three versions of that enigmatic font called Wingdings. Now--what the dickens is the point of Wingdings? Does anyone actually use this feature? And, if they do, what on earth for? Is there some weird secret Star Trek/Dungeons & Dragons/X-Files thing I'm missing here? And why do they need to put three versions on there? And O Book Antiqua, where art thou?
2) I was killing time at work tonight shopping for books online when it was brought to my attention that, both on Amazon and on, you can now design & buy engagement rings online. It's bad enough they've been lumping books with videogames for eons now, but seriously--diamonds? Online? Is nothing sacred? (I'm outraged about the books here, not the diamonds, as they are definitely not this girl's best friend.) Just imagine, if you will, the guy's checkout basket: the extended DVD of LOTR & of the most recent season of Sopranos, a Michael Moore book (I'm being generous here) and... one big fat engagement ring. Seriously.